Thursday, January 12, 2012

Does it get easier?

One Tuesday I decided it would be a good idea to add my personal email to my work blackberry since I can't check it 24/7 like I do with my iPhone at home....bad idea. Adding it was sooo easy but it kicked my work email off my blackberry. I went online to fix it but you can't do that internationally. So I ended up calling the help desk (always a joy) which said they would call me later. I was contacted by a lady who proceeded to yell at me for taking my blackberry to Europe and that she was going to shut the whole thing off at the end of the no no! I can't live with out it! It isn't safe...I plead with her! Finally I got approval to just have data and no calls or texts but she would wait till Friday to cancel so I would have time to get a pay as I go phone here.

I went to get a phone today. I decided Blackburn was closest and it would be easy. As I got a little lost I tried to use my phone to look up where I went wrong but the data would work. Finally after 30 of driving on one ways and almost getting kill( we all know this driving on the other side isn't easy for me!). I turned around and went the 30 mins back to the hotel. In the hotel I looked up the cell store in downtown Preston I had 45 mins till they closed, took pictures of the map on my iPad and was set to get a phone (I thought!). I got to preston, got a bit lost but finally got to the center where the cell store said they were. I paid to park and frantically walked about.

I went to the second floor still not finding it and asked a man who worked there if he knew. He told me it might be out on the street. I walked super quick out there and about 3 blocks and saw every other cell store possible. But no O2! Finally I wanted back and asked another cell store and they told me it was just in a different mall. I walked into the mall, asked two security gaurds and they pointed to the the metal gate in front of it went down. I couldn't believe it! They were closed. I leaned over the rail and cried with frustration...finally I looked up and the two security gaurds looked at me...are you okay? I told them yes but I tired to get here for the last hour and half...the guy goes "it really sucks you had to watch the gate go down." I agreed. They were very nice and thought I was a freak! I walked out...called my mom on the phone just to spite the lady who cut my data and told her the whole story.

Finally I got back to my car and tried to leave downtown Preston. I started driving and went in about 1o circles, I never thought I would get out of the city! I ended up going on a road to blackpool which is about 15 minutes west of my place, I didn't care all I wanted to do was get out of that city! Finally I got home after this 3 hours adventure which proved to be worthless...just another adventure!

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